Directory Party Hire in Invercargill


Pix in a box Photo Booth Hire

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About Pix in a box Photo Booth Hire

Pix in a box is an Invercargill based Photo Booth. We specalise in weddings, birthdays, Anniversaries, Corporate and product launches. We are happy to travel to Central Otago and around Southland with this service for you.

What is a photo booth? It is the phenomenon that is sweeping the world, in particular, you may have noticed them appearing at weddings or social events, where there is a photo booth (much like the ones where you can get instant passport photos) that allows guests to take their photos and get instant pictures to keep plus one for you to put in your guest book!

The success of these photo booths has been amazing and we wanted to ensure that everyone in the South Island and beyond has access to this fun phenomenon! Please browse our site for more information and pricing.


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