Directory Preparation & Training in Otago


Southern Bride

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About Southern Bride

Wedding planning is meant to be fun, aye?! But endless worries keep popping up…

Have I forgotten something? Am I stepping on someones toes? How the heck do I keep my budget under control!

You’re not the only one stressing out about this!

Southern Bride’s mission is to make wedding planning stress-free, fun and social.

How? Well there’s two parts:

Solid, practical, down-to-earth advice, and a fun, local community.

We’ve developed a free wedding planning e-course for Southern brides-to-be, that is delivered right to your inbox.  You’ll receive informative, valuable emails which will save you money, point you in the right direction…. plus I’ll let you in on a few secrets - stuff that’s too juicy to blog about - like a sneak peek at my wedding budget, my biggest wedding regrets, and you’ll receive free goodies to help you with planning your day.

Part two of Southern Bride is an active Facebook page full of like-minded brides-to-be, newlyweds, and selected weddin


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