Articles tagged videographer

How To Choose A Wedding Videographer

Moving Moments wedding video • October 29, 2015
How To Choose A Wedding Videographer - WeddingWise Articles
When you are planning your wedding, booking a good photographer is always considered a high priority. However, little thought is given to getting a good videographer. Video is viewed as a luxury, even though video can actually cost less, and records your big day in a much more three-dimensional way. Video includes movement, plus the added bonus of sound. Photos are like a past record of the event, but elegantly-crafted, high definition movies, married up with tasteful music, can really evoke the emotions, transporting you back in time to your wedding day. It’s like being there.Here is my advice on how to get great wedding video.

1. Research

Search the Internet and quality wedding directories like WeddingWise. View other videos of weddings past. Find out what moves you. Think about what styles appeal to you, and discuss this with your partner. Movie makers are all story-tellers, but some are more of a technician; others are more of an artist.On YouTube you will probably…

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