Rating & review policies

The value of the WeddingWise directory is in its large collection of honest reviews and ratings from brides and grooms. We work hard to make sure the rights of both reviewers and vendors are looked after. Below is a very transparent description of our review policies and moderation process.

Review Criteria

In order for a review to be approved, it must meet the following criteria:

WeddingWise editors reserve the right to make small edits (not affecting the ratings or overall message of the review) to make reviews comply to these policies before they are approved and published.

Review approval process

All reviews submitted to WeddingWise must be approved by our editors before they are published. Reviews are usually approved within 24-48 hours.

If the review does not satisfy the criteria above, it will not be published. In this case, the reviewer may receive an email asking for additional information or with explanation as to why the review was rejected.

Disputed reviews

If a wedding vendor disputes the authenticity or accuracy of a review we follow the following verification process:

In circumstances where there is police or legal action relating to a disputed review, WeddingWise may remove that review until the case is sorted out.

Vendor’s response

If a disputed review is verified and the vendor still takes exception to it, we provide the vendor an opportunity to publish a vendor’s response – an opportunity to share their side of the story. This response should be no longer than the original review and will appear directly below the disputed review. Vendor responses can be published by WeddingWise editors only.

Change of ownership

If your business has recently changed ownership and you believe there are historical reviews that no longer reflect the state of your business since you took ownership, we may consider removing old reviews on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to discuss your situation.

Legal responsibility

WeddingWise publishes reviews on good faith under the assumption that members submit accurate information and honest opinions. WeddingWise takes no responsibility for the content of these reviews, and all reviews represent only the opinions of the reviewer.


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