Directory Planners & Stylists in Taranaki



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About AdoreYOU

We plan our wedding day from the moment we see a family friend, a sister, an aunt, or our favourite Disney princess in a gorgeous a gown, with beautiful hair & makeup and about to marry the man of her dreams.

“Where do you start?”, and, “what do I need to do first?”, are one of the first few questions a bride~to~be asks. Well ‘Adore You’ will help you answer these questions.

AdoreYOU will help you plan, style and co-ordinate the day of your dreams, with the right colours and style that suits you and your groom. From your colours, table settings, ceremony & reception decor, to the pen you sign your licence with, ‘Adore You’ is here to help.

AdoreYOU offers various packages to suit any budget.

Don’t forget AdoreYOU is also available to style, plan and coordinate any event, anniversaries, vow renewals, civil unions, birthdays, Christmas functions and much more

Kat Xx


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