Directory Jewellery in Auckland Central


Aurum Fine Jewellery

Auckland Central
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About Aurum Fine Jewellery

Experience the pleasure of creating the perfect piece of jewellery. Expect quality and craftmanship at an affordable price.

Colin Thomson designs original jewellery of exceptional design, workmanship and lasting value - for all occasions. His company Aurum Fine Jewellery is well recognised for its range of classic diamond engagement rings and wedding bands. However, unusual commissions and individual designs are a speciality - if you can’t find what you are looking for, Colin can make it for you.

With the knowledge and experience that comes with over 20 years in the jewellery industry, Colin’s work is well regarded and highly competitive. Aurum is based in Ponsonby at 89 College Hill and convenient off-street parking is available.

Aurum undertakes valuations and repairs and offers a highly regarded redesign and remake service.


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