Directory Planners & Stylists in Auckland Central


Bee Of Service

Auckland Central
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About Bee Of Service

Bee Of Service is available for your day-of-wedding coordination and party planning/execution needs. Whether it’s an intimate wedding ceremony on a beach, a fabulous hen’s night or a bridal “high tea” shower, we’re here to help! Many brides in this economy simply cannot afford the services of a full wedding planner. These brides are creating gorgeous weddings with many DIY components but it often falls on friends and family to ensure these gorgeous ideas are carried out on the day. Either that or there is a very frantic bride! Hiring a Day-of Coordinator ensures that all those little tasks are carried out to your specifications, allowing your guests to simply just enjoy the day. Having a Day-Of Coordinator provides all your vendors with a central port-of-call. Tasks that a DOC can take on include ensuring those VIP guests are seated where you have requested (and that Aunty Jane hasn’t put herself front and centre), putting up and packing down chairs immediately before and after the ceremony if necessary, paying vendors who require payment on the day (and storing money safely up to that point) and ensure gifts are moved and stored securely once the party is in full swing. These are just a few of the many duties that a DOC can and will carry out for you; our job is to make the day run as smoothly as possible – think of us as your wedding elves, hard at work behind the scenes! Find out more by visiting our website!


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