Directory Gifts & Registries in Auckland Region

Coate and Company

Coate and Company

Auckland Region
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About Coate and Company

Coate and Company has the pleasure of offering a unique Art focused Wedding Registry. Don’t need another toaster? The idea of Art as a Wedding Registry Gift is designed to help couples that may already be well established with less need for common day-to-day furnishings. A well chosen piece of art not only defines your home but will always be appreciated, whether as the basis of a new collection or as an addition to other valued pieces. Coate and Company works with the Bride and Groom to discover and source the perfect piece of artwork that both will cherish for years to come and that will serve as a daily reminder of that perfect day. Coate and Company is born from a love of Art and Design and Stephanie’s broad knowledge of both the NZ and International Art scene makes for an easy process from start to finish. This process includes the Discovery/Sourcing/Management of Contributions and Distribution of the perfect piece of Art.


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