Directory Planners & Stylists in Dunedin

Enchanting Weddings

Enchanting Weddings

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About Enchanting Weddings

I first started wedding planning in August 2006, when I opened Plan it Perfect, after finding a gap in the market for busy couples planning their wedding day. In 2012, I sold Plan it Perfect to focus on travel and my fulltime career in sales & marketing but, for the past two years, I’ve really missed being involved with it.

When my restraint of trade expired in June 2016 I made the decision to restart the business and get involved with the wedding industry again, but with a fresh new brand and innovative ideas.

I’m so excited to be back and can’t wait to use my experience and market knowledge to help plan your perfect day.

I’m a huge believer in allowing my couples to have full creative control of their wedding, so there’s no need to worry about a wedding planner taking over and making selections that don’t fit in with your personality, style or theme. Of course, I’m happy to offer suggestions if you don’t know where to start.

I look forward to working with you soon.



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