Directory Transportation in Christchurch


Hassle-free Tours

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About Hassle-free Tours

For memorable wedding transport in the Christchurch area, look no further than Hassle-free Tours.  The iconic, red double-decker buses that turn heads as they give tours of the Garden City can also be rented for use during your wedding.

Hassle-free Tours has two restored, classic London double-decker buses available as a charming way to transport your guests between the wedding and the reception.  The buses can seat 60 and 72 guests, and Hassle-free can even arrange a Special License for the bus, allowing your guests to celebrate with bubbles and beer while on board.

An added bonus of Hassle-free’s wedding bus hire is the opportunity to use the vehicles in photographs.  The old-fashioned, bright red vehicles also look fantastic in wedding photos, and are a sure-fire way to ensure that your wedding photos reflect just how special your wedding was.


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