Directory Beauty, Hair & Makeup in Auckland Region

Janene Cissi Makeup

Janene Cissi Makeup

Auckland Region
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About Janene Cissi Makeup

Janene Cissi is an inspired Auckland Makeup Artist with a genuine love of the arts. Flourishing an innate enjoyment for art since childhood together with her admiration of beauty, discovering a love of makeup artistry was inevitable.

Of Polynesian descent, Janene is trained and highly skilled in delivering refined makeup looks for any ethnicity, age or gender with attention to detail thanks to her background in photography. Her regard for supreme makeup products and care of others helps her to achieve a high standard of makeup and service.

Perhaps most important is Janene’s warm nature. She has the ability to help make her clients feel comfortable and confident with their chosen look. She brings to every job professionalism, respect and humility.


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