Directory Celebrants in Christchurch

Krissy Christensen

Krissy Christensen

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About Krissy Christensen

I am honoured to help you celebrate the love you have for each other whether it be for a happy or a solemn occasion.  I enjoy working with you to be able to tell your stories and help express your own ideas to ensure your celebration in life is memorable.

I am known as a great listener with a warm-hearted, calm and understanding manner. 

I have been a support person for families who have lost friends or family members whether children, siblings or parents.  Having a child with ongoing health issues has made me aware of how much the support of others means.

In testimonials, people have expressed their appreciation for my commitment to meet their needs, my compassion, and where fitting, my humour.

You are welcome to contact me for a no obligation meeting to discuss what you want for your celebration.


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