Directory Jewellery in Dunedin

McAuliffe Jewellers

McAuliffe Jewellers

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About McAuliffe Jewellers

McAuliffe Jewellers Dunedin is a family owned business. Diamond jewellery and bridal accessories, including a large range of New Zealand made wedding rings, is our specialty. In addition to a large range in store, we can also custom make jewellery to match your requirements and tastes.

As founding members of Nationwide Jewellers, the largest buying group of independent jewellers in Australasia, we can provide our customers with products of exceptional quality and value, sourced both locally and from around the world.

Customer service is our priority.  We pride ourselves in helping our customers obtain that special piece for themselves or a gift. With over 50 years experience in helping Dunedin people choose their dream wedding jewellery, why not check out our website or visit us in store to discuss the wide range of possibilities to make your wedding special and unique.


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