Directory Gifts & Registries in West Auckland


Molloy Furniture

West Auckland
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About Molloy Furniture

Furnishing the New Home made easy

All products at Molloy’s are of the highest quality and designed and produced on site at the factory. The crafted solid timber furniture comes in rimu, pine, kauri, mahogany and macrocarpa to suit individual tastes and styles.

Wedding guests contribute to the Registry by cheque, eftpos, visa or mastercard and receive a gift certificate that can be placed inside a wedding card and given to the couple so they know that a contribution has been made on their behalf at Molloy’s. Guests are given a receipt for the money they have registered on behalf of the couple. The total of all contributions is the amount the couple will be able to spend in the showroom. Usually the couple know exactly what they want to purchase and have given out a brochure along with the Wedding invitation outlining this.

A special feature of the Registry is that couples benefit from a further discount on their complete purchase.!


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