Directory Photography in Tauranga


Rebecca Dawson Photography

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About Rebecca Dawson Photography

Hi, I’m Rebecca Dawson and I’m a photographer, based in Tauranga with a focus on weddings. I’m professionally trained in wedding, event and portraiture photography. I love to capture special moments for people. Whether it’s your wedding day, family portraits, maternity, newborns, special celebrations or any other event, either private or commercial, your memories will be beautifully captured and presented in digital and hard copy packages. I loved photography and played around with it a lot. I was told I had a good eye with my photos, and I’ve always been creative. Once I started training I couldn’t put the camera down. I was just hooked on it. My favourite thing about photography is being with people. It’s the challenge on combining the creative, the technical and the people sides all together. I know Tauranga really well with all its nooks and crannies. I’ll be happy to give you advice on locations and venues.


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