Directory Photography in Auckland Region


Sutherland Kovach Wedding Photography

Auckland Region
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About Sutherland Kovach Wedding Photography

We are Hannah Sutherland and Jasmine Kovach, two longtime friends in the business of taking great wedding photographs. 

Hannah has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Elam and Jasmine has a Master of Arts in History, also from the University of Auckland.   Our varied backgrounds give us a huge field of inspiration to draw from.  

What makes us different?   We want you to have the best pictures of your life.   We’ll give you photos that capture your spirit and your individuality; pictures that mean something to you.   We are more than your traditional wedding photographer.   We love what we do, and we would love to tell your story.

If you’re madly in love and looking for an unforgettable souvenir of the best day of your life, please contact us to arrange a meeting.


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