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Auckland Region
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About WedSites

We specialise in creating websites for you so that the magic of your special day can be shared with those you care about.

With so many things to do and so many deadlines, weddings can be times of stress.

Your own WedSite will help you:

- Share the whole story of your relationship in advance of the wedding

- Declutter your invitations – put the details on the WedSite

- Provide tailored content for out of town and other groups of guests

- Avoid being just another date magnet on the fridge

- Bypass the hassle of RSVPs that don’t come using an RSVP page and other easy ways of messaging

- Keep friends and family up to date: no risk of having to ring each guest with any change of plan

- Generate a buzz before the day – cool pictures, quizzes / Q+A, guest stories etc.

- Get everyone totally ready to celebrate your commitment.

- Share wedding and even honeymoon photos / stories


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