Directory Photography in Auckland Region

Kirsty Peta Stone Photography

Kirsty Peta Stone Photography

Auckland Region
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About Kirsty Peta Stone Photography

I’m a creative type of person in all aspects of life and thankfully being a photographer has given me the perfect opportunity to thrive through something I’m passionate about. I’m so grateful to have this as my outlet. Some say “a picture tells a thousand words”, and I completely agree but in my own words I believe that within every image there’s a moment that tells a story – capturing the small details are just as important as the more obvious ones, and these are what make a story truly unique.

Photography for me is documenting from the outside looking in, trying to blend in not stand out and grabbing people’s first emotions and interactions with each other. I’m based in Auckland, New Zealand, with my incredible husband. I love being near the beach, exploring the surroundings & enjoying the great outdoors. I love working with people of all ages and getting to hear different life stories. This is a little bit about me and I would love to hear from you and your story!


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