Directory Planners & Stylists in Christchurch

the event Boutique

the event Boutique

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About the event Boutique

At the event Boutique we create uniquely personal weddings for you to celebrate in style. We offer a bespoke service and can take care of all the details from furniture, to florals…and will custom make any special items that would make your day completely unique and special. We also have an extensive boutique collection of furniture and decor from ceremony arches, seating, bars, lounges, chandeliers, installations and luxury tableware.

Whatever the size, style and location of your wedding, we’ll provide thoughtful direction down to the finest detail to deliver a beautiful environment for your day. We love what we do, so working with us ensures you enjoy the process as we’ll take care of all the details from the first consultation, to complete setup, then dismantling once your day is over.


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