Directory Photography in Rotorua


Tracey Robinson Photographer

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About Tracey Robinson Photographer

Tracey Robinson, photographer. A specialist in commercial, industrial, wedding, conference, sporting event and portrait photography. Although Tracey is based in Rotorua, the heart of the Bay of Plenty, she is available for commissions New Zealand wide. Images are produced using high resolution digital equipment, which, when coupled with Tracey’s extensive knowledge and studio, digital, location and photographic excellence.

Over 20 years experience as a press photographer has given Tracey Robinson the photographic knowledge to cope with any assignment. You can find her work in catalogues, brochures, posters, magazines and news papers all around New Zealand. Tracey’s artistic eye is not just limited to photography. With a degree in fine arts and a passion for artwork, you will also find Tracey’s canvases adorning many an art gallery, right next to her photographs.


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